Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ditch Regret and Worry, Who Needs 'Em?

Don't SCREW UP Today by
WORRYING about the Future or by

We all do it. But to what purpose? Instead of paying attention to what is happening NOW and enjoying the current moment, or working towards fixing whatever problems we are faced with TODAY, we tend to spin off into regretsville or futurama and FORGET that right now is what is most important. RIGHT NOW we have control over what is happening, for the most part, to us. We can take ACTION right now, so that we have nothing to worry about in the future, or at least a great deal less to worry about, and we won't have regrets about what we didn't do or should have done differently (or should have done at all) instead.

By being present in the moment, right now, we cut our fears and worries literally by 66%. Now talk about bang for your buck! Anything that gives you a 66% return on your investment is certainly worth entertaining. Don't you think? By focusing on the here and now, we can take full advantage of our opportunity to enjoy life. Because we don't live in the PAST or in the FUTURE. We live RIGHT NOW. Right now matters.

Yes, of course, you should plan ahead for things like retirement and a rainy day, BUT that should be the least of your worries. In fact, if you put a good plan in place right now, there is NO REASON to worry about retirement or a rainy day at all. Because you've already PLANNED for it.

As for the past, we all know, you can't change it. What's done is done. If you screwed up because you didn't plan well, hopefully you learned from that, and you will start planning now. Don't mope around flogging yourself over it. Take ACTION now and move foreward. If you did something stupid, well learn from that as well and make better decisions next time. That's what mistakes are FOR! They are a learning experience and what you learn from them speaks volumes about the kind of person you are. Part of being a grown up is being able to bounce back from failure and move on with your chin held high. Who CARES what the neighbor thinks, your anyone else for that matter? You know who you are, so show that person to the world and get over it.

We are our own worst enemies most days. Others are generally far more lenient on us than we are on ourselves. So stop REGRETTING and WORRYING and get out there and MAKE LIFE HAPPEN! Live now by setting your feet on a well-planned route and then you won't have a whole lot to worry about in the future nor much to regret in your past either. You'll be able to look back and enjoy the life you've lived because you lived it well and fully each precious day.

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