Friday, December 2, 2011

Being Green: A Primer

Ok, so "being green" is very dear to my heart, and I'm an aspiring vegetarian. So what does that all mean? I could write volumes, but briefly what it means to me is trying to be a better steward of this wonderful Earth we live upon, as well as trying to do the best by my own physical form. The "Green" lifestyle is not only about health, it's also about ethics. So, instead of reinventing the wheel, I thought I'd simply share those resources that have been helpful to me in forming my views on this lifestyle, as well as places you can shop green that I like! Have fun shopping and enjoy being green!

The New Guide to Becoming Vegetarian,
Becoming Vegan,
How it all Vegan, a cookbook,
Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats,

Here's the recipe I developed from this book. I suggest you check with your veterinarian if you have any concerns at all about feeding this recipe. This is not an indication that I know what I'm talking about, but as I mention below, my cats were *very* healthy on this diet according to my veterinarian:
Homemade Cat Food
Serves: 2

This recipe is for six day's worth of cat food. It will stay fairly fresh in the refrigerator, or it can be frozen for later use. This food should not be heated or cooked to preserve the nutrients. Older or ill cats should not be fed raw liver. On the seventh day, cats should be fed plain, low sodium, canned tuna fish. If you are wondering how healthy this recipe is, I put a lot of research into this food and my cats have eating this food for three years now. My veterinarian said my cats are the healthiest animals she has seen in a long time.


3lb. raw ground meat (In order of cleanliness (best to worst): turkey, beef, or chicken. Do not feed your cats pork. Most cats prefer fresh meat over previously frozen.)
1lb. raw organ meat (liver or gizzards and hearts - hearts provide necessary taurine)
2 eggs without shell (Wash out shell with non-toxic dish soap and warm water. Then, grind up in a blender for later use as the calcium supplement.)
2 tbsp. egg shell powder, from above (or 6 capsules calcium supplement, 1000mg per cap)
1 c. raw vegetables, pulped in blender or food processor (Choose from broccoli, carrots, celery, squash, peas, corn, zucchini, or sweet potato. Use 1 above ground and 1 root veggie each week. Avoid garlic, potato, spinach, rhubarb, alfalfa, lettuce, Swiss chard or onion. Cats can eat the parts of the veggie we would normally throw out as long as it is not rotten.)
1/4 c. kelp and spirulina powder, mixed (2:1 kelp:spirulina)
1 tablet dry vitamin A, ground (10,000 I.U.)
5 tsp. flax oil (Keep this oil refrigerated and away from heat and light to avoid loss of nutrients.)
1 capsule taurine (500mg.)
1 vitamin C tablet, ground (1500mg. Use calcium or sodium ascorbate, not ascorbic acid since it is very bitter to taste.)
1 vitamin E capsule, squeezed from capsule (200 I.U.)
Handful of seeds (Choose from any seed that a cat can swallow whole, such as millet or sesame.
Mix wet ingredients in a large bowl; add ground up vitamin powders. Mix thoroughly.
    1. Add organ meats and ground meat. Mix well. It should be an even green color.
    2. Divide into six airtight containers and refrigerate. 
Vegetarian Times,
Mother Earth News,

TV Shows:
Discovery Channel's Living Fresh with Sara Snow,

Avalon Organics, on-line personal care,
Juice Beauty, on-line facial care,
Juice Organics, on-line and real life facial care,
Sun Organic Farm, on-line groceries,
Mountain Rose Herbs, on-line bulk herbs and seeds, etc.,
Organic Valley, dairy products in real life grocery stores,
Whole Foods Markets, real life grocery store,
Wild Oats, real life grocery store,
Different Daisy, on-line household/office items,
Ecos, on-line and real life household products,
Seventh Generation, on-line and real life paper products,
Gaiam, on-line house decor and outdoor,
Coleman Beef, in real life grocery store (For you meateaters!!),
PetGuard, When my time became pinched, I did tons of research and found this food to be as good, if not better than, the food I was making by hand from the above pet nutrition book and subsequent recipe. NOTE: This brand has *never* been recalled because it is so high quality!

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