So you're probably wondering, "What do I think this country needs?" Well, I'll tell you! It needs a lot of things, but first and foremost it needs a good dose of reality. Our citizens need to get their heads out of the clouds and their collective asses, our businesses need to realize who they should be loyal to and our politicians need to think past the reality of the voting booth to the reality of how history has an ugly tendency to repeat itself and do something about it.
First, we need our citizens to wise up, take some responsibility and quit expecting life to hand them everything on a silver platter like Mom and Dad did for them. We need to deflate our college-fed egos just a bit to see that the majority of the precious degrees we have aren't worth a whole lot more than the paper they're written on. Degrees are like anything else. Their value rises and falls with the vagaries of supply and demand. Right now, people, there are too many of us and not enough demand for us. So guess what? That means your piece of paper ain't worth a shit. Period. Think what you like, take it how you want, but thems the breaks. This all came about due to the totally unrealistic expectation these days that everyone should go to college. We need people of all levels and skills...NOT just a bunch of college grads! We need to be brave and bold enough to put in a hard day's work for what we get. We need to be willing to not be selfish twits and take a step down in order build our nation back up. We need citizens who are willing to take those "blue-collar" jobs that we were all taught to disdain so that businesses will bring their jobs back to us. We need to be ethical enough to accept responsibility for their own mistakes, and we need to be proud of our country and those who serve her! If you don't take pride in something then it is meaningless to you! If you're running around blaming everyone else (the government, your mom, your old boss, your old teachers, your significant other) for YOUR problems and YOUR poor decisions and YOUR mistakes, YOU are missing out on the one virtue of making those mistakes: LEARNING FROM THEM! Who cares if you screw up?!?!? YOU should but really what other people care about when you screw up is if YOU learn from it! If you don't then you just look like an immature assclown, and people will NEVER take you seriously.
We also need businesses who realize who they should be loyal to. Not to the detriment of their bottom line obviously, that's not how capitalism works, BUT they should make an effort to employ Americans. I read an article recently that talked about how hundreds of jobs have gone the last couple of YEARS UNFILLED because there are no Americans who can fill them due to lack of requisite skills! PREPOSTEROUS! Yet instead of being PROACTIVE about it and training prospective applicants for those positions, the businesses just let those jobs languish unfilled while Americans went without and thie bottom line suffered for it. I understand training is expensive, so train the folks with the understanding that their first so many paychecks will be docked a certain amount to cover those expenses. TOO EASY! Businesses should also try to find ways to remunerate their workers so that their jobs are more rewarding. Then more people would want to work. Maybe not in pay, but in free time, or longer vacations, or any number of other perks that really don't cost any extra when weighed against productivity and insurance costs. Happy workers usually means better business. Businesses also need to realize that GREEN IS IN! Stop being so damned selfish and start worrying about doing what's RIGHT by the envrionment.
Finally, our country also needs politicians who have a good sense of what makes good business, instead of what makes good politics, and who aren't afraid to be unpopular in order to do the right thing by our economy. If you unscrew our mess of an economy, I BET you'll get re-elected, so why not worry about the economy FIRST, and the re-election will follow. They're shooting themselves in the foot by being so selfish! Stop worrying about what Joe on the Street thinks because he's usually so mis- or un-informed that it's pathetic anyway. Stop worrying bout what all the other World Leaders think about us and start worrying about US! We need politicians who are willing to focus on US, OUR backyard, as opposed to everyone else's backyards. FOCUS ON US! Get our fingers out of everybody's pie and get our economy straight. Then we can worry about all that other stuff. Keep a strong NATIONAL defense now and then we'll have the resources and national strength to help everyone else, if that's what we want to do, later. Worry about AMERICANS AND AMERICAN SOIL. No one else, nowhere else! Be true to us! Realistically, we don't have the resources to do all that we're doing in the world today, and it is taking its toll on us. And it shows. Rome fell due to exceeding its own limits, trying to pander to its ever-greedy citizens, and bloated government. Sound familiar??? It should! DON'T LET AMERICA BECOME ANOTHER ROME! We want to make history, NOT BE HISTORY!
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